Tesla Generator Free Home Green Energy Solution

Tesla Radiant Energy Power Generator: The Next Generation Of Alternate Green Energy or Renewable Energy Source

Radiant energy harnesses its power from electromagnetic waves. This type of wave is not visible to you and is available everywhere.

It may come from the earth or it may come from the atmosphere. The Tesla generator is a device that uses surrounding energy as a fuel source. Other scientists call it "energy from the vacuum". It was invented over one hundred years ago by Nikola Tesla and yet has only recently been developed into a viable alternative energy source.

Using a
Tesla generator to convert your house in to alternative energy home, is an eco-friendly as well as highly cost-efficient option. Tesla generators overcome all the disadvantages of other alternative sources of energy.

Nikola Tesla is the true Father of modern electricity. He designed the Alternating Current AC system, that is used worldwide. Thomas Edison was the Father of Direct Current DC electricity. The first-ever hydro-powered electric plant was built by Tesla at the Niagara Falls. In his secret journals, Nikola Tesla wrote that he had harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device. He went on to write that it was his own dream to provide free electricity as a gift to everybody on the planet.

There was stunning work going on in Tesla's lab. Fueled by the idea that he could harness the energy of the sun, he worked around the clock to make it happen. His breakthrough was the Tesla Coil. Tesla had managed, using alternating electrical currents, to create an electric generator that could produce an incredibly high field of energy. Over time, Tesla created hundreds of patents, and he was even commissioned by Westinghouse to work with them on an AC current.

A patent he applied for, in 1901, called, Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy, was actually, pretty simple. He took an insulated metal plate, and set it as high as he could. He had another plate placed into the ground. He ran wires from one metal plate, through a capacitor, and then into the other metal plate. At that point, the sun would begin to work, throwing off positively electrified particles of matter. These charged particles would ping back and forth between the plates, creating the perpetual motion sort electricity, which so many years before, one of his professors had told him would be impossible to achieve. It is certain that Nikola Tesla would be gratified to see people building generators. He would be gratified to see people freeing themselves from the servitude of the electrical companies. Most of all, he would be gratified to see them building a Tesla generator, all these years later.

These easy to use compact generators can be build in less than 100 dollars and can produce up to 4.5 megawatts of power. This is enough to power the complete alternative energy home continuously with extra spare electricity. A user can assemble all the necessary components of these dynamic generators into a fully functional unit in less than an hour, using a simple guide as in this link.

After the machine is built, there is very little maintenance needed for it. It is small and compact. This makes it easy to place just about anywhere in the home and be inconspicuous. It can even be brought along on outdoor expeditions if needed.

There are numerous benefits to having a Tesla generator. The most obvious is the fact that it can generate electricity on its own and help one save money. In fact, the electricity generated can be sold back to the power grid. It is fairly cheap and easy to build. There are no toxic emissions, no radiation, and it is a very quiet device. It is also the cheapest alternative energy source available to the average person.

Moreover, the government pays tax cuts rebate to the user, for generating excess electricity. And this is another big benefit of using these generators.

Lastly, these small Tesla generators occupy very little space and are light in weight so that they can be easily carried along on camping or hiking trips. Now there is no need to waste precious natural resources and money. Build your own Tesla generator with minimum budget and take pride in saving money as well as natural resources. You Tube Video sample click here.

For more information on the comparative advantages of the Tesla Energy Generator and for specific details on how to build a Tesla Generator visit the website: http://www.teslasgenerator.net/

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